
Sprites, Level Art and music(2h)
- Unified character sprite for different states of main character.
- made special sprites for enemies and flying enemies.
- decided not to make sprites too complicated, because i simply dont have the skillsd and resources
- found a viable background under CC license 
- added a CC licensed cyberpunk-like music

Simple start screen (2 h) 
- wanted to make at least some starting screen and UI and decided to just make it a part of the scene, not a different one. 
- my way involved messing with camera and canvases and was harded than expected

Put some polish into slashing mechanic (1h) 
- made two more states for the slashing -> dashing two time to the same side make a much wider swing and should make the player make decisions more
- added a sweet trail and a music effect 

Difficulty (1h) 
- spend some time thinkng about difficulty setting in my game 
- decided to implement scaling diffuculty that automaticaly triggers with a good ratio of kills/hits
- implemented kill and hit counter, but they need some love. 

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